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Results of the evaluation of the National Anti-Doping Code (NADC)


The Institute of Sport Law at the German Sport University Cologne has published the results of the continuation of the evaluation of the National Anti-Doping Code (NADC) in Germany. According to the results, the NADC has a high steering power with regard to the behaviour of athletes.

"We are pleased that the successes of the anti-doping work for clean athletes in Germany have been made objectively measurable from a sports law perspective," said Dr. Andrea Gotzmann, Chairperson of NADA's Executive Board. "We would like to thank the Institute of Sport Law at the German Sport University Cologne under the direction of Professor Nolte and the entire team for the excellent technical work. Thanks also goes to all the athletes who actively participated in the research project."

"We were able to prove the effectiveness of the National Anti-Doping Code using methods from sports science and law, supplemented by mathematical-statistical expertise," said Prof. Dr. Martin Nolte, Head of the Institute of Sport Law at the German Sport University Cologne. "The methodological basis of this evaluation and the experience now gathered are an important step towards a general evaluation standard for the control success of sports association regulations," added Dr. Caroline Bechtel, Deputy Director of the Institute of Sport Law and lead researcher of the project. 

The NADC is the most important set of cross-sport rules in the field of anti-doping work in Germany and implements the international guidelines of the World Anti-Doping Code (WADC) nationally. The research project was dedicated to the question of the success of the fight against doping on the basis of the NADC. In addition to evaluating and measuring the implementation of the Code, the aim of the research project was to develop proposals for improving the legal provisions in the anti-doping field and optimising the day-to-day application of the NADC. These proposals should further extend to an improved fulfilment of regulatory leeway by NADA Germany. 

The project, which was funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Construction and Home Affairs based on a resolution of the German Bundestag, ran for two years. 

The evaluation can be ordered here: https://www.dshs-koeln.de/institut-fuer-sportrecht/publikationen/koelner-studien-zum-sportrecht/