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On this page you will find an overview of various publications by NADA Germany employees.

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  • Mortsiefer, L. (2010). Datenschutz im Anti-Doping-Kampf: Grundlagen und Spannungsfelder. Gardez.
  • Mortsiefer, L. (2015). Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Bekämpfung von Doping im Sport – eine Erläuterung der neuen Vorschriften. SpuRT, 2015(1).
  • Hofmann, K., & Mortsiefer, L. (2016). Verfahrenskostenhilfe in Anti-Doping-Streitigkeiten nach der neuen DIS-Sportschiedsgerichtsordnung. CausaSport, 2016(2).
  • Mortsiefer, L. (2017). Kommentar zum Anti-Doping-Gesetz in Lehner, M., Nolte, M., Putzke, H., Anti-Doping-Gesetz, Handkommentar. Nomos-Verlag.
  • Mortsiefer, L. (2020). Revision des Welt Anti-Doping Code (WADC2021) – Ein Überblick. SpuRT, 2020(1).
  • Mortsiefer, L., (2021). Verfahrensablauf bei CAS und DIS. In Cherkeh, T., Momsen, C., Orth, F., Handbuch Sportstrafrecht. Nomos-Verlag.


  • Trinks, S., Scheiff A. B., Knipp, M., Gotzmann, A. (2021). Declaration of Analgesics on Doping Control Forms in German Football Leagues during Five Seasons. German Journal of Sports Medicine / Deutsche Zeitschrift Für Sportmedizin.72(2), 68-73. [More information]
  • Brunschweiger, A., Iqbal, J., Umbach, F., Scheiff, A. B., Munkonda, M.N., Sévigny, J., Knowles, A. F., & Müller, C. E. (2008). Selective nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase-2 (NTPDase2) inhibitors: nucleotide mimetics derived from uridine-5'-carboxamide.Journal of Medicinal Chemistry., 51(15), 4518-4528. [More information]
  • Borrmann, T., Hinz, S., Bertarelli, D. C., Li, W., Florin, N. C., Scheiff, A. B., & Müller, C. E. (2009). 1-alkyl-8-(piperazine-1-sulfonyl) phenylxanthines: development and characterization of adenosine A2B receptor antagonists and a new radioligand with subnanomolar affinity and subtype specificityJournal of Medicinal Chemistry,52(13), 3994-4006. [More information]
  • Scheiff, A. B., Yerande, S. G., El-Tayeb, A., Li, W., Inamdar, G. S., Vasu, K. K., Sudarsanam, V., & Müller, C. E. (2010). 2-Amino-5-benzoyl-4-phenylthiazoles: Development of potent and selective adenosine A1 receptor antagonists. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry,18(6), 2195-2203. [More information]
  • Scheiff, A. B. (2010). Pharmakologie und Medizinische Chemie Uracil-und Uracilnucleotid-bindender Membranproteine.
  • Baqi, Y., Lee, S. Y., Iqbal, J., Ripphausen, P., Lehr, A., Scheiff, A. B., Zimmermann, H., Bajorath, J., & Müller, C. E. (2010).Development of potent and selective inhibitors of ecto-5′-nucleotidase based on an anthraquinone scaffoldJournal of Medicinal Chemistry,53(5), 2076-2086. [More information]
  • Scheiff, A. B. (2012). Doping im Leistungssport – Was Apotheker wissen sollten. Mitteilungen der Apothekerkammer Niedersachsen, 1, 22-24.  
  • Scheiff, A. B. (2014). Arzneimittel und Doping Aktuelle Aspekte zu Recht und Praxis. PZ PRISMA, 21(4), 201-207.
  • Scheiff, A. B. (2016). Pharmaceuticals and Doping.PHARMAKON,4(1), 22-29. [More information]
  • Scheiff, A. B. (2017). Arzneitherapie bei Sportlern – Was ist erlaubt, was verboten? Pharmazeutische Zeitung, 4, 40-47.
  • Scheiff, A. B. (2018). Aktuelle rechtliche, medizinische und pharmazeutische Aspekte. PZ PRISMA, 25(2), 75-82.
  • Mareck, U., Fusshöller, G., Geyer, H., Huestis, M. A., Scheiff, A. B., & Thevis, M. (2020). Preliminary data on the potential for unintentional antidoping rule violations by permitted cannabidiol (CBD) use. Drug Testing and Analysis. 13(1), 1-11. [More information]
  • Scheiff, A., & Berghoff, T. (2020). Dopingprävention – Was können Sportphysiotherapeuten tun? Sportphysio, 8(02), 94-100.
  • Scheiff, A. (2021). Hormonelle Kinderwunschbehandlung und Verbotsliste der World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Gynäkologische Endokrinologie 19, 190–195. [More information]
  • Walpurgis, K., Scheiff, A. B., Welz, M., Müller‐Reul, J., Webborn, N., Görgens, C., Guddat, S., Fußhöller, G., Dib, J. & Thevis, M. (2019). Pilot study on the effects of intravesical oxybutynin hydrochloride instillations on the validity of doping control urine samplesDrug Testing and Analysis, 11(11-12), 1755-1760. [More information]
  • Schölzel, K., Schildberg, F. A., Welz, M., Börner, C., Geiger, S., Kurts, C., Heikenwälder, M., Knolle, P., & Wohlleber, D. (2014). Transfer of MHC-class-I molecules among liver sinusoidal cells facilitates hepatic immune surveillance.Journal of Hepatology,61(3), 600-608. [More information]
  • Welz, M., Demetris, A. J., Heikenwälder, M., Knolle, P. A., & Wohlleber, D. (2014). P149 CROSS-PRESENTATION OF VIRAL ANTIGEN BY LSEC CAN LEAD TO FULMINANT HEPATITISJournal of Hepatology, 1(60), 115. [More information]
  • Franken, L., Klein, M., Spasova, M., Elsukova, A., Wiedwald, U., Welz, M., Knolle, P., Farle, M., Limmer, A., & Kurts, C. (2015). Splenic red pulp macrophages are intrinsically superparamagnetic and contaminate magnetic cell isolatesScientific Reports, 5(1), 1-10. [More information]
  • Höchst, B., Mikulec, J., Baccega, T., Metzger, C., Welz, M., Peusquens, J., Tacke, F., Knolle, P., Kurts, C., & Ludwig-Portugall, I. (2015). Differential induction of Ly6G and Ly6C positive myeloid derived suppressor cells in chronic kidney and liver inflammation and fibrosis.PloS one, 10(3), e0119662. [More information]
  • Schuette, V., Embgenbroich, M., Ulas, T., Welz, M., Schulte-Schrepping, J., Draffehn, A. M., Quast, T., Koch, K., Nehring, M., König, J., Zweynert, A., Harms, F. L., Steiner, N., Limmer, A., Förster, I., Berberich-Siebelt, F., Knolle, P., Wohlleber, D., Kolanus, W., Beyer, M., Schultze, J. L., & Burgdorf, S. (2016). Mannose receptor induces T-cell tolerance via inhibition of CD45 and up-regulation of CTLA-4.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,113(38), 10649-10654. [More information]
  • Hackstein, C. P., Assmus, L. M., Welz, M., Klein, S., Schwandt, T., Schultze, J., Förster, I., Gondorf, F., Beyer, M., Kroy, D., Kurts, C., Trebicka, J., Kastenmüller, W., Knolle, P., & Abdullah, Z. (2017). Gut microbial translocation corrupts myeloid cell function to control bacterial infection during liver cirrhosis.Gut,66(3), 507-518. [More information]
  • Manske, K., Kallin, N., König, V., Schneider, A., Kurz, S., Bosch, M., Welz, M., Cheng, R.‐L., Bengsch, B., Steiger, K., Protzer, U., Thimme, R., Knolle, P. A. & Wohlleber, D. (2018). Outcome of Antiviral Immunity in the Liver Is Shaped by the Level of Antigen Expressed in Infected Hepatocytes. Hepatology, 68(6), 2089-2105. [More information]
  • Welz, M., Eickhoff, S., Abdullah, Z., Trebicka, J., Gartlan, K. H., Spicer, J. A.,  Demetris, A. J., Akhlaghi, H., Anton, M., Manske, K., Zehn, D., Nieswandt, B., Kurts, C., Trapani, J. A., Knolle, P.,  Wohlleber, D., & Kastenmüller, W. (2018).Perforin inhibition protects from lethal endothelial damage during fulminant viral hepatitis.Nature communications,9(1), 1-13.  [More information]
  • Holland, T., Wohlleber, D., Marx, S., Kreutzberg, T., Vento-Asturias, S., Schmitt-Mbamunyo, C., & Welz, M. et al. (2018). Rescue of T-cell function during persistent pulmonary adenoviral infection by Toll-like receptor 9 activationJournal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 141(1), 416-419.