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Legal matters

The World Anti-Doping (WADC) is the basis for prosecuting and sanctioning anti-doping rule violations in sport. The WADC was first introduced by WADA in 2004. It applies worldwide. The requirements of the WADC are implemented in Germany in the National Anti-Doping Code (NADC). Over the years, the World Anti-Doping Code, and therefore also the National Anti-Doping Code, has been revised several times. On January 1st, 2021, the new, revised WADC 2021 and the corresponding NADC21 came into force. On the following pages we will inform you about the regulations, the implementation and other legal issues such as the anti-doping law, data protection and sanctions.. 

Contact Legal Department

Contact Person
Dr. Lars Mortsiefer

+49 (0) 228 812 92 - 122 Telephone number +49 (0) 228 812 92 - 229 Fax number recht[at]nada.de Email address

Anti-Doping Law

Anti-Doping Law

The anti-doping law includes all criminally relevant doping offenses and has been supplementing all existing and functioning sports law punishment and sanction mechanisms since 2015. This strengthens the cooperation between sport and the state in the prosecution of anti-doping rule violations in the long term.

Intelligence & Investigations

Intelligence & Investigations

The I&I team carries out sport-specific investigations, uses professional monitoring and follows up on all leads that NADA receives via the "SPEAK UP" whistle-blower system.



The legal department is responsible for the initial review of possible anti-doping rule violations. If there are violations, NADA Germany issues a sanction notice or disciplinary proceedings. In addition, violations of the reporting obligation by athletes are administered, sanction notices are issued and disciplinary proceedings are initiated.

Data protection

Data protection

Data protection and data security are particularly relevant in anti-doping work, since athletes are obliged to provide the anti-doping organizations with a large amount of personal data.