As part of the regular adaptation of the International Standards and in accordance with the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the National Anti Doping Agency of Germany (NADA Germany) has updated the standards applicable in Germany accordingly. All changes can be found as a redline version on the NADA Germany‘s website (
Among other things, there are changes in the Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE) for non-testing pool athletes. Athletes who do not belong to a NADA Germany testing pool or a league subject to TUEs and who use prohibited substances or methods as part of a medical therapy must now apply for a retroactive Therapeutic Use Exemption after a doping test and after being requested to do so by NADA Germany. All information on the modification in the Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions can be found at
Other modifications relate to the Standard for Testing and Investigations. From 2023, the possibility of remote testing procedures in the case of pandemic lockdown situations will be provided for. In addition, the modifications for the conduct of doping tests on minors will be adapted to the international WADA requirements. Further information can be found in the fact sheet "Testing of underage athletes" (in German only).
All modifications of the standards from 2023 onwards can be found in the redline versions on NADA Germany's website.