At the invitation of the National Anti Doping Agency of Germany (NADA Germany), the Council of Europe's Advisory Council on Education visited Bonn for a two-day meeting. The aim of this exchange was to strengthen European cooperation in the field of doping education and to discuss new approaches.
One focus of the meeting was the research project ‘Whistleblowing about doping in sport’, a collaboration between the Arctic University of Norway, the Technical University of Darmstadt and the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd with NADA Germany as a cooperation partner. The project is funded by the Federal Institute for Sports Science (BISp). Prof Felix Kühnle, project manager, shed light on the sociological dimensions of whistleblowing. Strategies were then developed in small groups on how these findings can be practically integrated into prevention work.
Another important item on the agenda was the revision of the International Standard of Education
The Advisory Group on Education of the Council of Europe plays a central role in doping education as part of the Monitoring Group for the Anti-Doping Convention. ‘The exchange of knowledge with the members of the Advisory Group is enriching for doping education and strengthens cooperation at European level. We are therefore delighted to welcome the meeting of this important doping education body to NADA Germany in Bonn,’ emphasised Dr Lars Mortsiefer, CEO of NADA.
The meeting was attended by around 50 people, including representatives from the member states of the Council of Europe, observers of the Anti-Doping Convention, international sports organizations and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).
The Council of Europe's Monitoring Group is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Anti-Doping Convention in Europe. It is made up of international anti-doping experts from the stakeholders. In order to adequately discuss and assess the various subject areas, there are four so-called Specialised Groups: the Advisory Group on Compliance, the Advisory Group on Education, the Advisory Group on Legal Issues and the Advisory Group on Science.