At the virtual board meeting of iNADO (Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations e.V.) on 12 October 2021, Dr. Lars Mortsiefer was elected vice-chairman of the board. Following the retirement of Michael Ask, Nick Paterson, Managing Director of Drug Free Sport New Zealand (DFSNZ), will become Chairman of the Board. Jorge Leyva heads the Bonn-based iNADO as full-time executive director. The term of office for iNADO's volunteer board is three years.
Founded in 2012, the organisation currently has 75 members and acts as an interest group of national and regional anti-doping organisations worldwide. It has set itself the goal of further networking and harmonising the work of anti-doping organisations and developing generally applicable standards. It also wants to give the voice of the anti-doping organisations more political weight vis-à-vis the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the International Olympic Committee (IOC), UNESCO and the Council of Europe.
Teemu Japisson (Finland), Tony Josiah (Great Britain), António Júlio Nunes (Portugal), Luisa Parente Ribeiro Rodrigues de Carvalho (Brazil) and Lindsey Stafford (USA) together with Nick Paterson and Lars Mortsiefer form the iNADO Board.
Further information on iNADO can be found on the homepage: inado.org