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Eine Mausefalle mit vielen verschiedenen bunten Tabletten.

Doping traps

Doping includes not only the deliberate but also the unintentional use or ingestion of prohibited substances. These can be contained in medications, for example. Food supplements and normal foodstuffs may also contain doping-relevant substances that can lead to a positive doping result. Even such supposedly unintentional violations of anti-doping regulations can lead to sanctions. That is why we provide information about doping traps on this page.

Doping traps in the medicine cabinet

Prohibited substances may be contained in pharmaceuticals in the medicine cabinet, even in homeopathics remedies. Thus, athletes who are subject to doping controls should check each medication for possible doping relevance before using it.

We have listed which over-the-counter medicines can represent a doping trap on our TOGETHER AGAINST DOPING website:

More about doping traps in the medicine cabinet

Drug database NADAmed

Check drugs in our drug database NADAmed before taking. NADAmed provides easily accessible and quick information about the doping relevance of drugs.

To NADAmed

Doping trap nutritional supplements

Tablets, powders, gels - nutritional supplements can take many forms, promise great effect and yet can pose a risk to athletes. Why the intake of nutritional supplements can become a doping trap, we explain on our TOGETHER AGAINST DOPING website. NADA Germany advises a reflective approach to nutritional supplements. Before consuming a supplement, it should be checked for the presence of prohibited substances, e.g. with the Cologne List®.

More about doping traps in nutritional supplements

Cologne List®

On the initiative of the Olympic Training Center NRW/Rhineland, the Cologne List® - in cooperation with NADA Germany, among others - lists products that have been tested for doping substances.

Check nutritiona supllements here

Doping traps in food

Food is also sometimes associated with doping, e.g. meat originating from Mexico, China or Guatemala may contain the banned substance clenbuterol. Asian teas, as often used in diets, can also be a doping trap. We have explained what to look out for with poppy seeds, for example, on the TOGETHER AGAINST DOPING website:

More on doping traps in food